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ARTISAN SPOTLIGHT 2, Lenette – The Textile Virtuoso

What: Artisan Spotlight 2

Where: Workshop of O&D

Who: Lenette – The Textile Virtuoso

Year: 2024

Lenette’s love for textiles began in her childhood, inspired by her mother who loved sewing clothes for the family. This early exposure sparked a lifelong passion, leading her to train in various aspects of textile work. Starting her career in a textile-specialized store, Lenette further honed her skills as a handicraft teacher and later as a furniture upholsterer.

In 2021, Lenette brought her vast experience to O&D. Her role involves the intricate task of upholstering our signature Circle Collection.

Unique Fabric and Leather Combinations

Each Circle Collection piece is unique, offering endless possibilities for material combinations. Whether it’s fine woven fabric, soft velour, rich bouclé, or genuine leather, each material behaves differently, requiring deep expertise to achieve a perfect result.

“At O&D, we work with high-quality specialty fabrics from small and large weavers and producers worldwide. When a new fabric enters the showroom, I always look forward to unrolling and exploring its features and details.” – Lenette

Fascination with Brass

Beyond textiles and upholstery, Lenette is also skilled in the art of patinating brass. This process involves a precise and fascinating chemical transformation. Lenette finds the accuracy required and the visible second-by-second changes captivating, making this aspect of her work particularly rewarding.

Look for the LA initials to explore the beautiful work of Lenette.

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